I work with a great team of creatives. One of them is our video and motion graphics designer. I create the storyboards for the videos or animated ads in illustrator—always with the production process in mind. I collaborate with the animator and allow him the freedom to add his talent and insight to the project and bring my storyboard to life. It's my idea, art files and art direction, but it's the motion graphics designer that ads the real magic.
Rapid Connect 1.0 vs Directional Boring Video
Click the storyboard above to see all pages
I worked with a great team to produce this video. From content experts, script writers, video shooters and editors. We needed to show senior management a comprehensive storyboard so there was no surprises and minimal changes once in editing. I had good reference and lots of input to get the storyboard nailed down. This was a great example of all members of a creative team coming together to produce a great video in record time.
Rapid Connect 1.0 vs Directional Boring Finished Video
The Miami Case Study Animated Video
See the storyboard created for this project
I worked with the writer and developed the storyboard for this promo video for a project done for the city of Miami. After the storyboard was approved, I worked closely with out motion graphics designer to produce the final video. This was for an internal audience only.
Employee Survey Video
I worked closely with an internal writer to develop the script, then I created the storyboard that was used for guidance and also for production. We contracted an outside vendor to create the final animated video.
See the storyboard created for this project
CRM Storyboard
This was a project initiated to build awareness and acceptance of a new CRM system being onboarded with the sales team at Crown Castle. Unfortunately, this program pivoted and evolved into something different with completely different support needed. It never made it to the animators to bring to life with motion and sound. This is the storyboard developed for the project.
View the entire storyboard here
Ken Logsdon, designer, creative director