I have been at Crown Castle for nearly 10 years—and loved every minute of it. It's been the best creative position I could have imagined. I planned on staying here until I hung up my pencils and called it a career. Well, that all changed last year. The preverbal rug was pulled out from under myself and about 1200+ others across the country.

In the summer of 2023, they announced an RIF (Reduction in Force) which displaced about 750+ employees nationwide and forced some offices to be closed. After that, one of our COOs left the company. Then in the fall, they announced they were shutting down the Southpointe offices and forcing 1200+ employees to either move to Houston, Texas or forfeit their jobs. I don't look good in a cowboy hat and the boots kill my feet, so I was not moving. I had to get all my work together to for the inevitable job search.

Shortly after that announcement, our CFO resigned. Then, a large investment firm, Elliot Management, who have over $2B invested in our company decided to shake things up. They felt the company was being mismanaged and leaving millions of dollars of dividends on the table. They forced our CEO to retire, they demanded seats on our board and a thorough review of how the business was being managed. As a result, board members were replaced and an interim CEO stepped in. Within hours of him stepping in, he rescinded the order to close the Southpointe campus.

My job was safe—for now. The final demand was to take a close look at the business and determine if the company should be split or other possible options. Needless to say, I need to be ready to entertain other opportunities. This portion of my website is dedicated to my Crown Castle work (and a few other projects) that is controlled and discrete.
I have always been passionate about learning and growing throughout my career. Originally, I purchased very thick software books, then I subscribed to Lynda.com (now Linkedin Learning) and also took various in-person classes. All of these have been staples for me. Doing freelance work has also been a way for me to put those learnings to the test and further develop my skills. This has been key for me to stay creatively fresh and marketable.

So, if you are here, you are likely a potential employer. And, as you know, there is story behind every project. Nothing gets produced without satisfying stakeholders and clients, planning, executing, and of course, making multiple rounds of revisions. I'd be happy to share more about my Crown Castle work.

Please take a look around and reach out if I can help your creative team. I'd love to have a conversation about the opportunities with your company.
Ken Logsdon, designer, creative director